≡George [Full Movie]: Everything Will Be Alright In Erattupetta Pc George And Mani C Kappan Were The Chief Guests Jsnewstimes George [Full Movie]‹: Pc George Malayalam Film Actor 〖*HDvideo~〗 aka (George!, Alles wegen George, Georgie's tollkühne Abenteuer 1972) "After a St. Bernard named George is given to a relative by it's owner he causes mischief in the neighboring town and for the newly named owner, After enough terror while trying to get a girl, The newly found owner gives George to a monastery in the cold snowy mountain wasteland until it's original owner comes back to get him. However, during the night George escapes and finds himself trapped among the frozen wasteland. And the only way for the newly found owner to get the girl and save George is to realize the importance of having and saving George is." film genres: Family, Comedy.